Benefits of Writing Articles
Just about the best and cheapest way of advertising on the Internet today is by way of Article Writing.It really is not that difficult for you to do!The cost to yourself is in the time it takes to put together a two page document with between 500 – 700 words on a subject to which you have a good knowledge of. For instance, if your interest were in cats, then writing about them would be fairly easy for you as you would know your subject well.More importantly, there is a great deal of people out there that would appreciate and want more information on cats. You would be doing them a big favour and they would then look to you for even quality information.Your well-written article places you as an expert, which will increase your credibility in their eyes. As such many will visit your web site to see what other items are available.And if people visit your site, there’s a good chance that they will buy something from you because you have established yourself as someone not just credible but knowledgeable as well!Your article in particular must NOT be an advert for a product(s) that you are selling on a web site. It should be solely an informative article about your specific subject (Cats). At the end of your article you place your name and also leave a web address as a link for those that wish to see what else you have to offer.The more articles you write and submit the more you will obtain incoming links to your web site which in turn gives rise to more visitors and thereafter, hopefully, more sales!So what do you do with your article once you have typed it?Well, I’m glad you asked. You need to submit it to as many Article Directories as possible and these can be found by simply typing into a search engine the phrase Article directory. Of course submitting your article one at a time will take a great deal of time so you should consider using an auto submission service, again use your search engine to find them.Remember, once your article has been published, it can then be picked up by anyone who has an interest in your subject (Cats). It may well be picked up for using as an article in a ezine. They do not need your permission because, as a part of the submission of any article is, that it can be copied but NOT altered in any way which remember, has your name and link on the bottom.What this does for you of course is to bring your article to the attention of a great deal of people who are also interested in cats, which in turn will lead to targeted visitors coming to your site.It only needs a few ezines to pick up on your article for you to benefit by a continuous stream of visitors and as you submit your article to more Directories this process will get faster.When you begin to get a great number of visitors to your site and they are buying, you will get excited about it. In fact I am sure you will be looking to put out more Articles, which will hopefully lead to more and more visitors, more buyers. Click on the link below for some great details.
About the author:Keith RichardsonInstant Article Submitterhttp://choices123.articlesub.hop.clickbank.nethttp://guide-to-low-cost-web-hosting.blogspot.comAn easy and rewarding way, to do Internet Business by helping others to Succeed on lineArticle Source:
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